Mind Fullness

What is Mind Fullness

Mind fullness to me is when I am overwhelmed, when I am in my own head telling myself stories, creating problems that don't exist or exaggerating ones that do.  My mind is literally full.

Whether you have a hectic life juggling work, family, kids, or grandchildren or if you have too much time on your hands and overthink at times mind fullness can impact your mental and physical health.  

Over the years I have tried many different approaches which I had varying degrees of success with but at the root of them all was the act of mindfulness.  

Initially, if I was asked what my definition of mindfulness was, I would say its woowoo stuff for yoga enthusiast but I had actually been practicing it for years.

Taking me time, in the morning before I start on my day, showing my self a little bit of love, whether that be by reminding myself that I was actually doing ok or by having a relaxing bath or quick stroll with the dog that little practice of loving myself is mindfulness.   Appreciating me, remembering that I have come a long way in life and that this chapter is just that, a chapter not my whole story.

If you haven't taken the time to love you or focus on the good in you then who will?  It's a very private experience and you  don't  have to tell a soul but it does help.

Did you know that there was an experiment carried out on plants that were spoken to negatively and others that were spoken to positively, the ones that were spoken to positively blossomed.    It's time to bloom 

There are many ways to practice mindfulness and how to adopt positive practices into your day to day life which we will continue to explore and provide information on.   It's not all woowoo