Gut Health

It's August 2023 and right now I am immersed in a accredited Nutrition Course that will allow me to provide information on the importance of gut health and a healthy diet.  

In the meantime let's stick to the published facts.  

Gut health is so important for overall health, your gut is full of little villi that absorb nutrients from the chyme in our stomach which is a product of the food that we eat.  We need these little guys but more importantly we need to keep them healthy to allow them to do their job.  

There is also good bacteria in our gut and bad bacteria, this is basic stuff but it's also at the root of our overall health, keeping our gut microbiome  healthy is so important but often overlooked. 

For me the first steps in cleaning up my act where to introduce little changes at a time, I knew I had a leaky gut and this was confirmed when I was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases.  

Those changes I implemented encouraged me to look at ways of improving my health further and so I read as many books on gut health and protocols as I could stomach and put it into practice.  Fast forward three years and I no longer have to take medication for my conditions.

This has sparked me on to advance my knowledge, as a student nurse I have also completed anatomy and physiology modules but I am on a quest to find out more to enable me to pass on fact based information that will hopefully help guide you into a healthier body and happier mind.