Blog -  Meet Lisa

Welcome to my blog, I will try and keep this as short and sweet as I can and hopefully it will help someone in some form. 

Ok, so Im 52 and post menopausal, I havent had a period in a number of years and I consider myself to be pretty much out the other side. 

No more sweats or mood swings, the brain fog is lifting and I am slowly but surely getting my old life back.   In this post I will cover what happened with me, how I got through it and what the other side is looking like.

In the begining my whole world was upside down, I had gotten sick with Hashimoto's disease which meant HRT wasnt an option for me, Covid had struck and their wasnt an appointment to be had in any capacity.   I didnt tell a soul about my menopause symptoms, I just couldnt bare to have it shoved down my throat every time I had an off day so, I did my research, changed up my diet (a hundred times) bought loads of supplements and started testing it all out on myself. 

I became my own little project, the weight was piling on the anxiety was just on another level, the brain fog and night sweats had me questioning my sanity but I knew that it was a new chapter in my life and one that I had to persevere with or lie down to.  I chose to stand up and be counted. 

After years of research and testing I finally found a way out.  I took it back to basics and fixed my gut then I tackled every single thing on a very long list of problems one step at a time.   

Getting my gut right and then introducing supplements that would help lower my cortosol levels proved to be the key to my success, Im now 2 stone lighter, my skin is looking fresher, my stamina is growing which is pushing me forward with my fitness and my confidence is coming back. 

I had a massive purge of all the clothes , shoes, makeup etc that no longer had a place in my new life and im actually enjoying myself scuplting the new me.    

Its not for everyone, I know this, but my one problem at a time approach has helped me enormously and I am more than happy to go into greater detail if anyone would like further information. 

Thanks for staying to the end 

Lisa x